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레이어팝업 알림

Enhancing residents' global competencies
to promote international exchange in the private sector

Linking the world

Building relations

Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency (JBICA) is a specialized institution established in Jeollabuk-do in 2015 to create
a community where domestic residents and foreigners living in the province can communicate and live together, thereby enhancing Jeollabuk-do’s international competitiveness.

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Various projects creating sustainable international exchange

Settlement Support for Immigrants in Jeonbuk

Customized support projects for foreign residents living in Jeonbuk State, providing education for their adaptation to local life and long-term settlement

Jeonbuk-Type Development Cooperation

Operating development cooperation projects linked to the main industries of Jeonbuk State to promote economic and social development and create sustainable value

Promoting Globalization of Jeonbuk

Efforts to promote global awareness of Jeonbuk State and vitalize international exchanges in the private sector through overseas Saemangeum Korean Language Institutes and sister-city exchange projects

Strengthening Globalization Capacity of State Residents

Operating programs reflecting world cultures and international trends to enhance the competencies of Jeonbuk residents and youth, nurturing leaders who will lead the Global Bioeconomy City

Supporting Overseas Expansion

Providing a platform using international exchange networks to help local youth and companies pave the way for overseas expansion

Promoting the Appeal of Jeonbuk

Producing videos exploring Jeonbuk from a foreign perspective to promote the unique charm and excellence of Jeonbuk State internationally

Address : (54969) 5 Fl. 276 Hongsan-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do

Tel : +82-063-280-6100 Fax : +82-063-280-6150

Copyright 2015-2025 Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency. All rights reserved. 로그인