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Main Projects

Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency

Strengthening Globalization Capacity of State Residents

Strengthening Globalization Capacity of State Residents

We aim to lead globalization of Jeonbuk linking with the world by promoting public diplomacy and regional cooperation
and nurturing next-generation global leaders
to strengthen the international competencies of residents and youth.

Jeonbuk Residents Public Diplomacy Promotion Project

Supporting public diplomacy activities and operating global cultural events in the province to not only enhance the understanding of public diplomacy and international competencies of Jeonbuk residents and youth, but also provide opportunities for growth as global citizens

  • Target
    Jeonbuk residents, local youth, and organizations interested in public diplomacy
  • Content
    Operating Jeonbuk Global Culture Week
    Operating Jeonbuk Public Diplomacy Corps
    Supporting private organizations for public diplomacy
Regional Cooperation Public Diplomacy Project

Promoting global expansion and regional public diplomacy of local universities, municipalities, and related organizations to enhance Jeonbuk's global growth and competitiveness

  • Target
    Local universities, municipalities, and related organizations
  • Content
    Operating university president meetings between local and foreign universities
    Supporting cooperation projects between basic local governments and foreign embassies in Korea
    Operating cultural exchanges with the Kunsan Air Base
Next Generation Global Leader Project

Promoting global talent development by increasing local youth's interest and understanding of the international community, Supporting their advancement as leaders in the international community

  • Target
    Local Youth
  • Content
    Operating Model United Nations (MUN) for Jeonbuk Youth
    Conducting outreach classes on international exchange understanding

Address : (54969) 5 Fl. 276 Hongsan-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do

Tel : +82-063-280-6100 Fax : +82-063-280-6150

Copyright 2015-2025 Jeonbuk International Cooperation Agency. All rights reserved. 로그인